
Ken Green... a Chicagoan currently residing in Boston. He is a former newspaper reporter, editor and sportswriter. He also has been a bad slam poet, fiction writer, essayist, thin-skinned stand-up comic (three stage appearances) and a storytelling host and performer (appearing on the nationally televised storytelling program, Stories From The Stage).

His plays cover a wide variety of topics including four-play cycle examining Chicago gentrification from the viewpoint of four different race/ethnic groups , the plight of the retail worker, surviving racial trauma (from microaggressions to direct threats), and the subjectiveness of art. In addition, he has been commissioned to write two historical plays - an audio drama on Frederick Douglass and an outdoor "walking play" about a member of the Massachusetts 54th Regiment who fought in the Civil War (it was one of the first plays performed in the Boston area during the Pandemic).

He has never won an award for his playwriting but if anyone wants to change that...

From an appearance on the nationally televised World Channel storytelling show Stories From the Stage.